Warner Bros. Pictures and ScreenX To Release up to Five Titles in the 270-Degree, Panoramic Format in the Next 12 Months
CJ 4DPLEX announced today that Warner Bros. Pictures intends to release up to five titles within the next 12 months, including The Nun in September, Aquaman in December, and Shazam! in April 2019, with additional titles to be confirmed later this year. This will build on the success of Rampage, which was released earlier this month in the panoramic, 270-degree, premium cinema format.
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures and ScreenX To Release up to Five Titles in the 270-Degree, Panoramic Format in the Next 12 Months
CJ 4DPLEX announced today that Warner Bros. Pictures intends to release up to five titles within the next 12 months, including The Nun in September, Aquaman in December, and Shazam! in April 2019, with additional titles to be confirmed later this year. This will build on the success of Rampage, which was released earlier this month in the panoramic, 270-degree, premium cinema format.
Source: Warner Bros. Pictures and ScreenX To Release up to Five Titles in the 270-Degree, Panoramic Format in the Next 12 Months