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When considering Video Walls do not confuse BIT DEPTH with Bit Depth and....

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  • When considering Video Walls do not confuse BIT DEPTH with Bit Depth and....

    When you start doing a comparative analysis of Video Walls you will see pixel depths from 10 bit on CLED, 14.5!? bits on Samsung, to 16 bits on several panels (with 2 sub sets of granularity therein) to 24 bits on AOTO.

    On our current project vetting process this created a bit of confusion. The fact is that you have to separate the SIGNAL bit that the controller display will handle and show, from the Pixel Bit depth (the range of colors displayable by the pixels themselves). And although you may have a high pixel bit depth the DRIVER, that component that interprets Video signal to Pixel mapping is also a bottleneck.

    Currently all manufacturers but one use a third party driver, this may have implications of what the actual dynamic range of your HDR Image is. Generally it can be said that  a great number of panels may have the capacity at the pixel level of achieving the difference in nits from a low to a full lit that can indeed be expressed at around of 16 bits.

    The key issue if you want to make the most of the dynamic range is what i term GRANULARITY. Many high bit depth panels will span an impressive dynamic range from bottom to top, the issue i recently found out can be a better indicator of the HDR capability of these system is GRANULARITY. What good is your 24 bit color depth resolution system if it can only be measured in increments of 1 nit. There is one known system that can measure in increments of .05 nits. For dynamic metadata HDR I feel this would be of tremendous advantage.

    But there are other considerations: pixel pitch is important, but from one manufacturer the same size tile may have day a 1.2 mm and a .98, the panels are exactly the same performance and again occupy the smae physical x-y space, but the smaller pixel will have significantly greater fill factor, in a subjective assesment this rendered to me a more OLED like image although the tech has nothing to do with oled.

    Smaller pixels are good in that they reduce the viewing distance requirements (UP TO A POINT -There are also potential tile match hairline lines that simply need distance to completely eliminate the nature of the beast), to say a six p laser projector is the best solution from now is disingenuous, no projector can do black like MICRO-led.

    I think the whole home theater world is crazy by having more than 3 seats per row and so many rows, 3 seats per row already begins to compromise ones ability to have Atmos and DTS-X sound around your head, like a personal bubble. I feel so strongly having BEEN ABLE TO RECREATE THE FIRST TIME I HEARD ATMOS IN GRAVITY PREMIERE AT Dolby AND FOR 3 YEARS not being able to re-experience that hyper immediacy again until we finished the Istanbul Job and Brough it to CEDIA 16, where there were 20 seats but only in a certain 3 seats did i reexperience the around my head and through the torso phenomenon. So why am i talking about Atmos in a an LED thread? Because if you have a lot of friends and want them in the room with you, YOU ARE DOING HOME CINEMA, YOURSELF and Humanity a tremendous disservice.


    Those hairline cracks that come with the territory when you embrace LED WALL TECHNOLOGY are a serious challenge to the most ardent immersophile. You see there is not only a distance threshold for the seams to make themselves visible or not, the angles of incidence to the viewers will make these lines appear more or less defined under some form of screen illumination or lack of it. Selfish bastard to the rescue: By limiting the demand that the image be 100% physical line be visible to just 2 center seats mechanical adjustments can effectively compensate for absolute perfectly contiguous. Now make the aspecft ratio too tall or too wide and kaput you are making things more difficult.

    MICROLED has become a full time job for me, more than I care for to be honest, but as the superior imaging HDR large screen solution able to recreate the dynamic range of the tropics, I simply have to get this right. Thankfully My current Patron for the prototype CINERAMAX OVERLOOK PENTHOUSE program has embraced the SELFISH BASTARD APPROACH so we will align xyz form image perfection in just the two center seats, like in ATMOS I will not compromise the individual experience for the common good of a group. Give them tick3ets to a Movie theater but keep the cetral axis experience the very most engulfing and verisimilar you can achieve.

    There are new developments in manufacturing of SMD's in Korea that create mass transfer to the substrate, this portends great for the economic viability of MICROLED but are these cherry picked LED's? probably not, are they using a driver that can not only resolve the color gamut but have the granularity cover this gamut in .05 nits accuracy, probably not. Some Vendors use class a led with better specs, like DMD’s used in cinema and at home, there is cherry picking for dci and p series projectors, for some reason not every manufacturer uses class a led's, also the one company that makes the .05 nit precise drivers may have intellectual property that makes all other manufacturers have to work harder to implement improvements in granularity of the pixel bit depth.

    Sounds like fun? It is definitely stressful to do a comparative analysis, i will focus the best of what is currently considered the state of the art (in sub cled budgets) and compare to the CES Introduction of the new mass transfer super small pitch.  I will rely on my eyes mainly and then will assess. Way too many variables, implementations and conflicting specifications.<br /><br />https://WALLSCREEN-SKYLOUNGES.COM