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The earliest Tele Vision: Live remote baseball viewing started in 1884

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  • The earliest Tele Vision: Live remote baseball viewing started in 1884

    Mark Schubin, broadcast and video technology 'guru' and historian, and a broadcast engineer/technical producer (among others New York Metropolitan Opera and Sesame Street) with half a century experience, has produced another intrigueing historical article in IEEE Xplore. This time dating the earliest 'view from a far' to 1884. The first grapical representation of a baseball game in another city, a development that culminated into 70 thousand spectators in New York City, many more than in the stadium, itself. Providing a better experience, according to spectators, than being live at the stadium.

    In the end it was the graphic depictions on radio that entered peoples homes that killed the live public viewing in the 1920s.

    Mark previously traced back the term High Definition Television to 1936 and the start of Television Research to 1877.