What right have these people (that do not own a Kaleidescape and therefore curate the most immersive audio clips) to be able to speak with any kind of authority? NEWSFLASH: Excuse me but for 45 years I have been a competent Arbiteur of all things high end Home Cinema. The oppo is crap, it is incompatible with high end immersive audio. Lately a bunch of Industry experts in the thread are blabbering that most atmos movies do not exploit the width channel, that is because they are not due diligent enough, what a bunch of hacks.
Many of these guys in the forum are members of the trinnov secret society( as RUR self confessed), a bunch of trinnov clients to a single engineer consultant that either don't have decent speakers or use trinnov in stereo. 9 of the eleven infractions that kicked my alternative universe perspective were reported by these 3-4 individuals hell bent on controlling the media in that forum, humanity be dammed.
Well here is the proof that they are wrong!