Ericsson will use IBC, Amsterdam, September 15-19 to launch its ITM Inverse Tone Mapping standard dynamic range (SDR) to high dynamic range (HDR) conversion toolset. Inverse tone mapping (ITM), which rebalances the chroma and luma of the SDR content, so it can be shown back to back with HDR content, without any need for the HDR TV to switch. Providing a continuous HDR signal on the channel.
And switching in the TV set can easily go wrong, Ericsson believes. As the television may take time to switch, or fail to switch at all. This is especially risky with multiple SDR and HDR changeover points happening in rapid succession.
With HDR content limited, and still the exception it is hard for broadcasters to offer a consistent HDR service, if the SDR material is not displayed properly. And with much of the none primary content in a live transmission, like ads, interstitials, graphics, and news items, still being SDR.
The newly launched Ericsson ITM solution is introduced during encoding in the head-end. "Using Ericsson’s new ITM algorithm in the head end encoders, means HDR service providers have full control over displaying both SDR and HDR. This approach empowers services providers rather than relying on TV vendors and is less disruptive than having to deploy a completely new generation of third party set top boxes. This new solution enables a guaranteed enriched and immersive HDR visual experience that is compelling for the viewer", Ericsson said in a statement.
And switching in the TV set can easily go wrong, Ericsson believes. As the television may take time to switch, or fail to switch at all. This is especially risky with multiple SDR and HDR changeover points happening in rapid succession.
With HDR content limited, and still the exception it is hard for broadcasters to offer a consistent HDR service, if the SDR material is not displayed properly. And with much of the none primary content in a live transmission, like ads, interstitials, graphics, and news items, still being SDR.
The newly launched Ericsson ITM solution is introduced during encoding in the head-end. "Using Ericsson’s new ITM algorithm in the head end encoders, means HDR service providers have full control over displaying both SDR and HDR. This approach empowers services providers rather than relying on TV vendors and is less disruptive than having to deploy a completely new generation of third party set top boxes. This new solution enables a guaranteed enriched and immersive HDR visual experience that is compelling for the viewer", Ericsson said in a statement.