Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp Set for Release in Panoramic ScreenX Format
The Walt Disney Studios and ScreenX have set Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp for a release in the panoramic, premium cinema technology format, it was announced at CineEurope in Barcelona, Spain. Ant-Man and The Wasp is set to premiere around the world beginning July 4.
Source: Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp Set for Release in Panoramic ScreenX Format
The Walt Disney Studios and ScreenX have set Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp for a release in the panoramic, premium cinema technology format, it was announced at CineEurope in Barcelona, Spain. Ant-Man and The Wasp is set to premiere around the world beginning July 4.
Source: Marvel Studios’ Ant-Man and The Wasp Set for Release in Panoramic ScreenX Format