At Cinemacon the Christie Atmos demo had no porthole, and when the sound system was off you could hear the roar of the mandatory 450cfm inline fan clear across the theater, that worried me as I was helping another forum member with a hush box and in my mind I had the Barco 350-cfm reference. Good thing I went to Cinemacon. In fairness to Christie they got the fan noise issue figured out , WITH LASERS 

Here is where we are at for a Xenon Solaria Hush Box:
We are not only insulating but isolating. Next to check is the access clearance and porthole light-path alignment with screen, try to keep it tight and small for less sound emanation.

Here is where we are at for a Xenon Solaria Hush Box:
We are not only insulating but isolating. Next to check is the access clearance and porthole light-path alignment with screen, try to keep it tight and small for less sound emanation.